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Module 4 - About Bridge Adapters

Adapters for Bridging Assets

This Module is Useful for Understanding the AssetBridgeAdapter and NitroAdapter Smart Contracts which are helpful for learning about Bridging Adapters. Refer this Repository for Smart Contracts.

Asset Bridge Adapter

This Tutorial will Guide you through the functionality of the AssetBridgeAdapter.sol Smart Contract. This Contract is Designed to Bridge Funds and Instructions to another Blockchain. It Utilizes the RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider for Executing Transactions and Interacting with an AssetBridge for Transferring or Swapping Tokens.

  • Contract Structure - The AssetBridgeAdapter Contract inherits from RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider and Integrates with an AssetBridge for Asset Bridging Operations. It uses SafeERC20 for Secure Token Operations and follows a Structure that Separates Data Storage (AssetBridgeDataStore) from the Main Adapter Logic. The Contract imports Several Dependencies -

    a) RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider and EoaExecutorWithoutDataProvider from @routerprotocol/intents-core.

    b) Errors for error handling.

    c) IERC20 and SafeERC20 from a utilities library.

    d) IAssetBridge interface.

    e) Ownable from OpenZeppelin for access control.

  • Data Storage Contract - The AssetBridgeDataStore Contract Stores the Address of the AssetBridge and allows the Owner to Update it.

    contract AssetBridgeDataStore is Ownable {
    address public assetBridge;
    constructor(address _owner, address _assetBridge) {
    assetBridge = _assetBridge;
    function setAssetBridge(address _assetBridge) external onlyOwner {
    assetBridge = _assetBridge;
  • Main Adapter Contract - The AssetBridgeAdapter Contract Defines -

    a) assetBridgeDataStore to Store AssetBridge Address.

    b) PARTNER_ID as a Constant Identifier.

    c) A Constructor to Initialize the Contract and Deploy AssetBridgeDataStore.

    d) name() function to return the Adapter’s Name.

    e) execute() function to hHndle the Execution Logic for Bridging Tokens.

    contract AssetBridgeAdapter is RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider {
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
    AssetBridgeDataStore public immutable assetBridgeDataStore;
    uint256 public constant PARTNER_ID = 1;
    address __native,
    address __wnative,
    address __assetBridge
    RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider(__native, __wnative)
    assetBridgeDataStore = new AssetBridgeDataStore(
    function name() public pure override returns (string memory) {
    return "AssetBridgeAdapter";
    function execute(
    bytes calldata data
    ) external payable override returns (address[] memory tokens) {
    // implementation details
  • Deployment - To Deploy the AssetBridgeAdapter, you need to Provide the Addresses for Native and Wrapped Native Tokens, as well as the AssetBridge Contract.

    address __native = 0x...; // Native token address
    address __wnative = 0x...; // Wrapped native token address
    address __assetBridge = 0x...; // AssetBridge contract address
    AssetBridgeAdapter adapter = new AssetBridgeAdapter(__native, __wnative, __assetBridge);
  • Functions -

    a) name() - This function returns the name of the Adapter.

    function name() public pure override returns (string memory) {
    return "AssetBridgeAdapter";

    b) execute() - The execute function Performs the following Actions Based on the txType Decoded from the Input Data -

    function execute(
    bytes calldata data
    ) external payable override returns (address[] memory tokens) {
    // Implementation details
    1. Transfer Token
    • Directly transfers tokens using IAssetBridge.transferToken.
    1. Swap and Transfer Token
    • Swaps and then transfers tokens using IAssetBridge.swapAndTransferToken.
  • Usage Example - To Use the AssetBridgeAdapter, you need to Call the Execute function with appropriate calldata.

    1. Example: Transfer Token

      bytes memory data = abi.encode(
      uint8(0), // txType for transfer
      IAssetBridge.TransferPayload({ /* payload details */ }),
      uint64(21000), // Destination gas limit
      bytes("") // Optional instruction
      adapter.execute{value: amount}(data);
    2. Example: Swap and Transfer Token

      bytes memory data = abi.encode(
      uint8(1), // txType for swap and transfer
      IAssetBridge.SwapTransferPayload({ /* payload details */ }),
      uint64(21000), // Destination gas limit
      bytes("") // Optional instruction
      adapter.execute{value: amount}(data);


The AssetBridgeAdapter Contract Provides a Robust Solution for Bridging Assets and Instructions across Chains. By following this Tutorial, Developers can understand the Contract’s Structure, deploy it, and use its functions effectively.


This Tutorial will Guide you through the functionality and Usage of the NitroAdapter Smart Contract. The NitroAdapter Contract is Designed to facilitate the Bridging of Assets and Instructions to another Blockchain. It Integrates with Both an AssetForwarder and DexSpan to Perform Token Deposits and Swaps.

  • Contract Structure - The NitroAdapter Contract inherits from RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider and Interacts with AssetForwarder and DexSpan for Asset Bridging Operations. It uses SafeERC20 for Secure Token Operations and follows a Structure that Separates Data Storage (NitroDataStore) from the Main Adapter Logic. The Contract imports Several Dependencies -

    a) RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider and EoaExecutorWithoutDataProvider from @routerprotocol/intents-core.

    b) Errors for error handling.

    c) IERC20 and SafeERC20 from a utilities library.

    d) IAssetForwarder and IDexSpan interfaces.

    e) Ownable from OpenZeppelin for access control.

  • Data Storage Contract - The NitroDataStore Contract Stores the Addresses of the AssetForwarder and DexSpan and allows the Owner to Update them.

    contract NitroDataStore is Ownable {
    address public assetForwarder;
    address public dexspan;
    constructor(address _owner, address _assetForwarder, address _dexspan) {
    assetForwarder = _assetForwarder;
    dexspan = _dexspan;
    function setDexSpan(address _dexspan) external onlyOwner {
    dexspan = _dexspan;
    function setAssetForwarder(address _assetForwarder) external onlyOwner {
    assetForwarder = _assetForwarder;
  • Main Adapter Contract - The NitroAdapter Contract Defines -

    a) USDC as the address of the USDC Token.

    b) NitroDataStore to store AssetForwarder and DexSpan addresses.

    c) PARTNER_ID as a constant identifier.

    c) A constructor to initialize the Contract and deploy NitroDataStore.

    d) name() function to return the Adapter’s name.

    e) execute() function to handle the Execution Logic for Bridging Tokens.

    contract NitroAdapter is RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider {
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
    address public immutable usdc;
    NitroDataStore public immutable nitroDataStore;
    uint256 public constant PARTNER_ID = 1;
    struct SwapAndDepositData {
    uint256 partnerId;
    bytes32 destChainIdBytes;
    bytes recipient;
    address refundRecipient;
    uint256 feeAmount;
    IDexSpan.SwapParams swapData;
    bytes message;
    struct UsdcCCTPData {
    uint256 partnerId;
    uint256 amount;
    bytes32 destChainIdBytes;
    bytes32 recipient;
    address __native,
    address __wnative,
    address __assetForwarder,
    address __dexspan
    RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider(__native, __wnative)
    nitroDataStore = new NitroDataStore(
    usdc = IAssetForwarder(__assetForwarder).usdc();
    function name() public pure override returns (string memory) {
    return "NitroAdapter";
    function execute(
    bytes calldata data
    ) external payable override returns (address[] memory tokens) {
    // Implementation details
  • Deployment - To Deploy the NitroAdapter, you need to Provide the addresses for Native and Wrapped Native Tokens, as well as the AssetForwarder and DexSpan Contracts.

    address __native = 0x...; // Native token address
    address __wnative = 0x...; // Wrapped native token address
    address __assetForwarder = 0x...; // AssetForwarder contract address
    address __dexspan = 0x...; // DexSpan contract address
    NitroAdapter adapter = new NitroAdapter(__native, __wnative, __assetForwarder, __dexspan);
  • Functions -

    a) name() - This function returns the name of the Adapter.

    function name() public pure override returns (string memory) {
    return "NitroAdapter";

    b) execute() - The execute function Performs the following Actions Based on the txType Decoded from the Input Data -

    function execute(
    bytes calldata data
    ) external payable override returns (address[] memory tokens) {
    // Implementation details
    1. iDeposit
      • Directly Deposits Tokens using IAssetForwarder.iDeposit.
    2. Swap and Deposit
      • Swaps and then Deposits Tokens using IDexSpan.swapAndDeposit.
    3. USDC Request
      • Requests USDC Deposit using IAssetForwarder.iDepositUSDC.
    4. Swap and Deposit USDC
      • Swaps and then Deposits USDC Tokens using IDexSpan.swapAndDeposit.
  • Usage Example - To use the NitroAdapter, you need to Call the execute function with appropriate calldata.

    1. Example: iDeposit

      bytes memory data = abi.encode(
      uint8(0), // txType for iDeposit
      IAssetForwarder.DepositData({ /* payload details */ }),
      bytes("destinationToken"), // Destination token
      bytes("recipientAddress"), // Recipient address
      bytes("") // Optional message
      adapter.execute{value: amount}(data);
    2. Example: Swap and Deposit

      bytes memory data = abi.encode(
      uint8(1), // txType for swap and deposit
      SwapAndDepositData({ /* payload details */ }),
      bytes("") // Optional message
      adapter.execute{value: amount}(data);
    3. Example: USDC Request

      bytes memory data = abi.encode(
      uint8(2), // txType for USDC request
      UsdcCCTPData({ /* payload details */ })
    4. Example: Swap and Deposit USDC

      bytes memory data = abi.encode(
      uint8(3), // txType for swap and deposit USDC
      SwapAndDepositData({ /* payload details */ })
      adapter.execute{value: amount}(data);


The NitroAdapter Contract provides a Robust Solution for Bridging Assets and Instructions across Chains. By following this Tutorial, Developers can Understand the Contract’s Structure, Deploy it, and use its functions Effectively.