Module 5 - About Swap Adapters
Adapters for Swapping Assets
This Module is Useful for Understanding the ThirdFy and DexSpan Adapters which are important for Learning about Swapping Adapters. Refer this Repository for Smart Contracts.
DexSpan Adapter
The DexSpanAdapter
Smart Contract is Designed to facilitate Token Swaps using the DexSpan
Contract. This Tutorial Provides a Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and using the DexSpanAdapter
Contract Structure - The
Contract is used to Store the address of the DexSpan Contract. It Inherits from OpenZeppelin’s Ownable Contract for Ownership Management. The Contract imports Several Dependencies -contract DexSpanDataStore is Ownable {address public dexspan;constructor(address _owner, address _dexspan) {_transferOwnership(_owner);dexspan = _dexspan;}function setDexSpan(address _dexspan) external onlyOwner {dexspan = _dexspan;}} -
DexSpanAdapter - The
Contract Inherits fromRouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider
and implements theEoaExecutorWithoutDataProvider
Interface. It Provides functionality for Swapping Tokens using the DexSpan Contract.contract DexSpanAdapter is RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider {using SafeERC20 for IERC20;DexSpanDataStore public immutable dexSpanDataStore;constructor(address __native,address __wnative,address __dexspan) RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider(__native, __wnative) {dexSpanDataStore = new DexSpanDataStore(msg.sender, __dexspan);}function name() public pure override returns (string memory) {return "DexSpanAdapter";}function execute(bytes calldata data) external payable override returns (address[] memory tokens) {IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams memory swapData = parseInputs(data);if (address(this) == self()) {if (address(swapData.tokens[0]) != native())swapData.tokens[0].safeTransferFrom(msg.sender,self(),swapData.amount);elserequire(msg.value == swapData.amount,Errors.INSUFFICIENT_NATIVE_FUNDS_PASSED);} else if (swapData.amount == type(uint256).max) {if (address(swapData.tokens[0]) != native())swapData.amount = swapData.tokens[0].balanceOf(address(this));else swapData.amount = address(this).balance;}bytes memory logData;(tokens, logData) = _swap(swapData);emit ExecutionEvent(name(), logData);return tokens;}function _swap(IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams memory _swapData) internal returns (address[] memory tokens, bytes memory logData) {address dexspan = dexSpanDataStore.dexspan();withdrawTokens(address(_swapData.tokens[0]), dexspan, _swapData.amount);IDexSpan(dexspan).swapInSameChain(_swapData.tokens,_swapData.amount,_swapData.minReturn,_swapData.flags,_swapData.dataTx,true,_swapData.recipient,_swapData.widgetId);tokens = new address ;tokens[0] = address(_swapData.tokens[0]);tokens[1] = address(_swapData.tokens[_swapData.tokens.length - 1]);logData = abi.encode(_swapData.tokens, _swapData.amount);}function parseInputs(bytes memory data) public pure returns (IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams memory) {IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams memory swapData = abi.decode(data,(IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams));return swapData;}} -
Functions -
a) Constructor() - The Constructor initializes the
with the Owner’s address and theDexSpan
Contract Address. It also Sets the Native and Wrapped Native Token Addresses.```solconstructor(address __native,address __wnative,address __dexspan) RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider(__native, __wnative) {dexSpanDataStore = new DexSpanDataStore(msg.sender, __dexspan);}```b) name() - The
function returns the name of the Adapter.```solfunction name() public pure override returns (string memory) {return "DexSpanAdapter";}```c) execute() - The
function is the main entry point for performing Token Swaps. It Decodes the Input Data, performs necessary Token Transfers, and Calls the_swap
function.```solfunction execute (bytes calldata data) external payable override returns (address[] memory tokens) {IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams memory swapData = parseInputs(data);if (address(this) == self()) {if (address(swapData.tokens[0]) != native())swapData.tokens[0].safeTransferFrom(msg.sender,self(),swapData.amount);elserequire(msg.value == swapData.amount,Errors.INSUFFICIENT_NATIVE_FUNDS_PASSED);} else if (swapData.amount == type(uint256).max) {if (address(swapData.tokens[0]) != native())swapData.amount = swapData.tokens[0].balanceOf(address(this));else swapData.amount = address(this).balance;}bytes memory logData;(tokens, logData) = _swap(swapData);emit ExecutionEvent(name(), logData);return tokens;}```d) _swap() - The
function Performs the actual Token Swap using theDexSpan
Contract.```solfunction _swap(IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams memory _swapData) internal returns (address[] memory tokens, bytes memory logData) {address dexspan = dexSpanDataStore.dexspan();withdrawTokens(address(_swapData.tokens[0]), dexspan, _swapData.amount);IDexSpan(dexspan).swapInSameChain(_swapData.tokens,_swapData.amount,_swapData.minReturn,_swapData.flags,_swapData.dataTx,true,_swapData.recipient,_swapData.widgetId);tokens = new address ;tokens[0] = address(_swapData.tokens[0]);tokens[1] = address(_swapData.tokens[_swapData.tokens.length - 1]);logData = abi.encode(_swapData.tokens, _swapData.amount);}```e) parseInputs() - The
function Decodes the Input Data into aSameChainSwapParams
Struct.```solfunction parseInputs(bytes memory data) public pure returns (IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams memory) {IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams memory swapData = abi.decode(data,(IDexSpan.SameChainSwapParams));return swapData;}``` -
Usage - To use the
, Deploy the Contract with the required Parameters -- Native Token Address
- Wrapped Native Token Address
- DexSpan Contract Address
After Deployment, you can call the execute function with the appropriate Input Data to Perform Token Swaps.
Error Handling - The
Contract uses theErrors
library to handle Various error Scenarios, such as Insufficient Native funds.
The DexSpanAdapter
Smart Contract Simplifies Token Swaps using the DexSpan
Protocol. By following this Tutorial, you should be able to Understand and Utilize the Contract effectively.
ThirdFy Adapter
The ThirdFySwap Smart Contract facilitates Token Swaps using the ThirdFy Protocol. This Tutorial provides an in-depth Guide to Understanding and using the ThirdFySwap Contract.
Contract Structure - The
Smart Contract enables Token Swaps via the ThirdFy Protocol. It extendsRouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider
and UtilizesSafeERC20
for Safe Token Operations andThirdFyHelpers
for Helper functions.a) ThirdFyHelpers - The
Contract provides Utility functions for Interacting with the ThirdFy Protocol. It should be Deployed with the Swap Router Address.b) ThirdFySwap - The
Contract is the Main Contract that handles Token Swaps using the ThirdFy Protocol. It Inherits fromRouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider
contract ThirdFySwap is RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider, ThirdFyHelpers { using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
constructor( address __native, address __wnative, address __swapRouter ) RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider(__native, __wnative) ThirdFyHelpers(__swapRouter) { }
function name() public pure override returns (string memory) { return "ThirdFySwap"; }
function execute( bytes calldata data ) external payable override returns (address[] memory tokens) { IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory swapParams = parseInputs(data);
if (address(this) == self()) { if (swapParams.tokenIn != native()) IERC20(swapParams.tokenIn).safeTransferFrom( msg.sender, self(), swapParams.amountIn ); else require( msg.value == swapParams.amountIn, Errors.INSUFFICIENT_NATIVE_FUNDS_PASSED ); } else { if (swapParams.amountIn == type(uint256).max) swapParams.amountIn = getBalance( swapParams.tokenIn, address(this) ); }
if (swapParams.tokenIn == native()) { convertNativeToWnative(swapParams.amountIn); swapParams.tokenIn = wnative(); }
IERC20(swapParams.tokenIn).safeIncreaseAllowance( address(swapRouter), swapParams.amountIn );
bytes memory logData;
(tokens, logData) = _mint(swapParams);
emit ExecutionEvent(name(), logData); return tokens; }
function _mint( IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory swapParams ) internal returns (address[] memory tokens, bytes memory logData) { (uint256 amountOut) = swapRouter.exactInputSingle(swapParams);
tokens = new address ; tokens[0] = swapParams.tokenIn; tokens[1] = swapParams.tokenOut;
logData = abi.encode(swapParams, amountOut); }
function parseInputs( bytes memory data ) public pure returns (IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory) { return abi.decode(data, (IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams)); }
receive() external payable {} }
Functions -
a) constructor() - The Constructor initializes the Contract with Native Token, Wrapped Native Token, and Swap Router Addresses.
```solconstructor(address __native,address __wnative,address __swapRouter)RouterIntentEoaAdapterWithoutDataProvider(__native, __wnative)ThirdFyHelpers(__swapRouter){}```b) name() - The
function returns the name of the Adapter.```solfunction name() public pure override returns (string memory) {return "ThirdFySwap";}```c) execute() - The
function performs the Token Swap by Parsing Input Data, handling Token Transfers, and calling the_mint
function.```solfunction execute(bytes calldata data) external payable override returns (address[] memory tokens) {IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory swapParams = parseInputs(data);if (address(this) == self()) {if (swapParams.tokenIn != native())IERC20(swapParams.tokenIn).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender,self(),swapParams.amountIn);elserequire(msg.value == swapParams.amountIn,Errors.INSUFFICIENT_NATIVE_FUNDS_PASSED);} else {if (swapParams.amountIn == type(uint256).max)swapParams.amountIn = getBalance(swapParams.tokenIn,address(this));}if (swapParams.tokenIn == native()) {convertNativeToWnative(swapParams.amountIn);swapParams.tokenIn = wnative();}IERC20(swapParams.tokenIn).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(swapRouter),swapParams.amountIn);bytes memory logData;(tokens, logData) = _mint(swapParams);emit ExecutionEvent(name(), logData);return tokens;}```d) _mint() - The
function Performs the actual Token Swap using theswapRouter
.```solidityfunction _mint(IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory swapParams) internal returns (address[] memory tokens, bytes memory logData) {(uint256 amountOut) = swapRouter.exactInputSingle(swapParams);tokens = new address ;tokens[0] = swapParams.tokenIn;tokens[1] = swapParams.tokenOut;logData = abi.encode(swapParams, amountOut);}```e) parseInputs() - The
function Decodes the Input Data intoExactInputSingleParams
.```solidityfunction parseInputs(bytes memory data) public pure returns (IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory) {return abi.decode(data, (IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams));}```f) receive() - The
function allows the Contract to accept Native Token Deposits.```solidityreceive() external payable {}``` -
Usage - To use the
Contract -- Deploy the Contract with the Native Token, Wrapped Native Token, and Swap Router Addresses.
- Call the
function with the appropriate Input Data to Perform a Token Swap.
// Example data to be passed to the execute function IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory params = IThirdFySwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams({ tokenIn: address(0x...), tokenOut: address(0x...), recipient: address(0x...), amountIn: 1000, amountOutMinimum: 990, deadline: block.timestamp + 300, fee: 3000, sqrtPriceLimitX96: 0 });
bytes memory data = abi.encode(params);
- Error Handling - The
Contract uses theErrors
library to handle various error Scenarios, such as Insufficient Native Funds.
The ThirdFySwap
Smart Contract Simplifies Token Swaps using the ThirdFy Protocol. By following this Tutorial, you should be able to Understand and Utilize the Contract effectively.