Router Chain TypeScript SDK
Router Chain Ts SDK is a SDK which is used to Build CrossChain DApps on Router Chain. Refer this Documentation to Learn in-detail about the Methods available in Ts SDK Package.
Now, Let’s Explore Some of the functions available.
Setting Up the Project
Navigate to your Desired Workspace Directory and Create a new Directory for your Project using the
Command andcd
to that directory -Terminal window mkdir my-router-chain-projectTerminal window cd my-router-chain-project -
Initialize a
file, which will Manage your Project’s Dependencies, usingyarn
-Terminal window yarn init -y -
Install TypeScript as a Development Dependency using
-Terminal window yarn add -D typescript -
Generate a Basic TypeScript Configuration file using the TypeScript Compiler -
Terminal window yarn tsc --initThis creates a
file at the Root of your Project. It defines Compiler Options for how TypeScript code will be Transpiled to JavaScript. -
Create a New file for your Application code with a
Extension (e.g., index.ts) -Terminal window touch index.ts -
Since TypeScript Code needs to be Compiled to JavaScript before
can Execute it, you’ll use thets-node
Package for Development -Install
as a Development Dependency:Terminal window yarn add -D ts-node -
Install the Latest Version of Asset Transfer SDK -
Terminal window yarn add @routerprotocol/router-chain-sdk-ts
Fetching an Account’s Balance
Refer the Below SDK Implementation to Understand how to fetch an Account’s Balance.
import { ChainGrpcBankApi, getEndpointsForNetwork, Network } from '@routerprotocol/router-chain-sdk-ts';
const endpoint = getEndpointsForNetwork(Network.Testnet);const bankClient = new ChainGrpcBankApi(endpoint.grpcEndpoint);
async function fetchAccountDetails() { // Fetch all balances of an account const accountBalances = await bankClient.fetchBalances( 'router16sqwdtdxjl6zdvx49rvayhkyelfrhavpmknxh9' ); console.log(accountBalances);
// Fetch particular coin's balance of an account const routersBalances = await bankClient.fetchBalance({ accountAddress: 'router16sqwdtdxjl6zdvx49rvayhkyelfrhavpmknxh9', denom: 'route', }); console.log(routersBalances);}
Possible Errors
For using the SDK with UI it is recommended to use Node version v18.12.1 or above. If you get Webpack errors when using with create-react-app, follow these steps -
- Install
and required packages.
yarn add -D @craco/craco
yarn add -D path-browserify stream-browserify stream-http https-browserify os-browserify assert url buffer process crypto-browsify fs
- Add
file in your project root.
const { ProvidePlugin } = require('webpack');module.exports = { webpack: { configure: webpackConfig => { return { ...webpackConfig, resolve: { ...webpackConfig.resolve, fallback: { ...(webpackConfig.resolve?.fallback ?? {}), path: require.resolve('path-browserify'), stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'), buffer: require.resolve('buffer/'), crypto: require.resolve('crypto-browserify'), http: require.resolve('stream-http'), https: require.resolve('https-browserify'), os: require.resolve('os-browserify/browser'), assert: require.resolve('assert/'), url: require.resolve('url/'), }, }, plugins: [ ...(webpackConfig.plugins ?? []), new ProvidePlugin({ Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer'], }), new ProvidePlugin({ process: 'process/browser', }), ], }; }, },};
- Replace these scripts in
"scripts": { - ~~"start": "react-scripts start"~~ + "start": "craco start" - ~~"build": "react-scripts build"~~ + "build": "craco build" - ~~"test": "react-scripts test"~~ + "test": "craco test"}
yarn start
and the Webpack errors should be gone. -
If you get Webpack errors when using Vue’s nuxt framework, do this small change in
build key -
build: { extend(config, ctx) { config.module.rules.push({ test: /\.js$/, // apply this rule to .js files use: { loader: "babel-loader", options: { presets: ["@babel/preset-env"], // use the preset-env preset }, }, }); }, }